luni, 30 iunie 2008

Semnificatia numelor

Iata deci ce mistere poarta numele unei persoane care, printr-o coincidenta (sau nu), a fost ales sa poarte un mesaj.


Adam - om, a fi
Adela, adelina – nobil
Adina – delicat
Adrian/Adriana - inspirit din numele un oras din Italia
Agnes - pur
Ahmed - om de incredere
Albert – nobil
Alexandru - a apara, a te ajuta
Alin(a)- nobil
Amalia, Amelia, Emilia - muncitor
Anamaria combinatie a numelor ana (milor) si maria (iubit)
Anastasia - inviere
Ana, Anca, Aneta, Anita - milos
Andra, Anca, Andreea, Andrei - al omului
Angela – inger
Antonela - floare
Atanasie - nemuritor
August, Augustin - venerabil
Aura - lumina
Aurel, Aurelian – de aur


Barbara - strain
Beatrice - calator
Bianca - alb
Bogdan - dar de la Dumnezeu


Carl, Carla, Carol, Carolina - colind
Catrina, Ecaterina, Catalin (a) - pur
Camelia - enorias
Carina - mic si drag
Carmen - cantec
Cecilia - orb
Cezar,cezara, Cezarina - pletos
Cristian, Cristina - crestin
Ciprian - din cipru
Clara - clar, luminos
Claudiu - schiop
Constantin, Constantina, Constanta - constant, stabil
Corina, Cora - virgina
Cornel, Cornelia - corn
Cosmin(a) – ordine


Damian - a domestici
Dan, Daniel(a) - Dumnezeu este judecatorul meu
Daria – posesoare de bine
David – iubit
Delia - insula greceasca
Denis, Dionisie- al lui Dumnezeu
Despina – amanta
Diana - divin
Doina - cantec romanesc
Dorin(a) - dar
Doru, Dorel - dor
Dragomir, Dragos - pretios
Dumitru - pamantul mama


Edgar, Edmond, Eduard – instarit, binecuvantat
Edith - cadou pretios
Eleonora, Elena, Ileana – lumina, foc, luna
Eliana, Liana - soare
Elisabeta, Eliza, Isabela, Izabela, Lisa - cred in Dumnezeu
Elvira - totul e adevarat
Emanuel, Emanoil - Dumnezeu e cu noi
Emil, Emilia, Emilian - rival
Ema - intreg
Eric, Erica – conducator pentru totdeauna
Ernest – serios
Estela - stea
Eugen(ia) - bine nascut
Eve, eva - a trai
Evelina - pasare


Fabian – fasole
Felix, Felicia - norocos
Filip – prieten
Flavia,Flavian – blond, galben
Florenta, Florentin, Florentina - infloritor
Florian, Florin – floare


Gabriel, Gabriela, Gabi, Gavril – inger de la Dumnezeu
George - lucrator al pamantului
Gina, Georgiana - argint
Gloria - glorie
Grigore - atent


Hermes - stalp de piatra
Horatiu – ora, persoana punctuala
Hortensia - gradina


Iacob - substituitor
Ion, Ioana, Oana Ioan, Iancu, Ivan - Dumnezeu este milos
Ignatiu - foc
Ingrid – zeita frumoasa
Iosif - cel care va adauga
Irina - pace
Iris - curcubeu
Isac - cel care rade
Iulia, giulia, Iuliu, Iulian(a), Julieta - barbos
Iustin(a)- just, drept


Larisa – cetate
Laura, Laurentiu, Lorena - lauri
Leo, Leon, Leonard, leonard, Leontin, Leontina, Leopold – leu, curajos
Letitia - fericire
Lidia - regiune din Asia mica
Liliana - crin
Linda - frumoasa
Livia - invidios
Lucia, Lucian - lumina
Ludovic - luptator de seama
Luminita - lumina


Madalina, Magda, Magdalena – numele unui sat din Galileea
Maia - mare
Manole, Emanuel, Manuel(a)- Dumnezeu e cu noi
Mara, Maria, Marica, Maritza, Mimi, Miriam – in ebraica inseamna “mare de amaraciune”, dar in egipteana semnifica “iubit(a)”
Marc, Marcel, Marius, Martin - zeul Marte
Margareta, Greta, Margo, Margot - perla
Mariana, Marian - combinatie intre numele Maria si Ana
Marilena - combinatie intre numele Maria si numele Elena
Marin - al marii
Marta - stapana casei
Matei - dar de la Dumnezeu
Matilda – lupta, putere
Maximilian, Max - cel mai mare
Melania - negru, intunecat
Melisa - albina
Mercedes - compasiune
Mihai, Mihail, Mihaela - cine este ca Dumnezeu?
Milena - mila
Minerva - inteligenta
Mirabela, Miranda - minunat
Mircea - pace
Mirela - a admira
Mona, Monica - sfatuitor


Nadia, Nadine, Nadina – nadejde, speranta, primul
Naomi - neplacut
Narcis, Narcisa - somn, amortit
Natalia - ziua de craciun
Nicolae - victoria poporului
Nikita – imbatabil


Oana - varianta a numelui ioana
Octavian - al optulea
Odette - noroc
Ofelia - ajutor
Olga - prosper
Oreste - muntean
Orlando - varianta a numelui Roland
Ovidiu - oaie


Pascal - Paste
Patricia, Patriciu - aristocrat
Paul, Pavel - mic, umil
Petru, Petronela - piatra


Radu - fericit
Ramon, Ramona, Raymond – protector, aducator de vesti bune
Rafael - Dumnezeu a vindecat
Renata - renascut
Richard – curajos, puternic
Robert, Robin - stralucitor
Rodica - fertil, rodnic
Roxana, Ruxandra - zori de zi


Sabina - locuitoare a unei regiuni din Italia
Sabrina – provine de la numele unui rau din Tara Galilor
Samanta – ascultator
Sanda, Sandra, Sandu, Sasha - prescurtare de la Alexandru (a apara, a te ajuta)
Sebastian – venerabil
Selena – luna
Serena – senin
Sergiu - servitor
Silvia - lemn, padure
Simion, Simon, Simona - ascultator
Smaranda - privine de la "smarald"
Sofia, Sonia - intelepciune
Sorin(a) - soare
Sorel - acru
Stan - guvernare, slava
Stefan, Stefania - coroana
Stela - stea
Stelian - stalp
Suzana - trandafir


T(h)eodor(a) - dar de la Dumnezeu
Tiberiu – “raul ce trece prin Roma”
Titus - titlu de onoare
Toma - geaman
Tudor – conducator


Valentin(a) – puternic
Valeria, Valeriu - a fi puternic
Vasile - rege
Vera – credinta, adevar
Veronica - cea care aduce victoria
Victor - victorie
Viorel, Viorica – floare
Virginia - fecioara
Viviana - viu
Vlad - putere
Vladimir, Vadim - a conduce


Xenia - ospitalitate


Zaharia - Dumnezeu isi aminteste
Zamfir(a)- safir
Zoe - viata


marți, 24 iunie 2008

luni, 23 iunie 2008

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 16

Euro 2008 | Matchday 16: Spain vs. Italy

Penalty Shootout

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 15

Euro 2008 | Matchday 15: Nedherlands vs. Russia

Full Match Highlights

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 14

Euro 2008 | Matchday 14: Croatia vs. Turkey

Turkey left it late again to record victory, with a dramatic penalty-shoot out success after an equaliser in injury time of extra-time at Vienna’s Ernst Happel Stadium left Croatia defeated and took Fatih Terim’s side into the Euro 2008 semi-final.

Croatia vs Turkey Compilation

vineri, 20 iunie 2008

Water on Mars

Recent a fost facuta publica urmatoarea fotografie care demonstreaza
ca "there is water on Mars"


Raliul Clujului Mobil 1 2008

Dupa cum unii dintre voi stiti bine, altii doar acum veti afla, in weekendul acesta se va desfasura "Raliul Clujului", in zilele de 21-22 iunie 2008. Voi pune la dispozitie informatii pentru cei care doresc sa fie prezenti pe probele speciale, precum si poze si filmulete de pe aceste probe.

Harta traseului

Descarca de aici documentul oficial


Raliul Clujului Mobil 1 2008






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Probe speciale

CRR | Boeriu Bogdan Rasturnare Baia Mare 2007

Campionatul de Raliuri al Romaniei - Rasturnare filmata onboard la Baia Mare in 2007

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 13

Euro 2008 | Matchday 13: Portugal vs. Germany

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 12

Euro 2008 | Matchday 12: Russia vs. Sweden

Euro 2008 | Matchday 12: Greece vs Spain

joi, 19 iunie 2008

Euro 2008: Germania 5 -10 Austria Topless


Cum sa devii celebru in NY

Multumesc lu Danila pentru link. Am ras cu lacrimi la vizionarea acestui filmulet. Comentati si voi. Merita sau nu s amearga mai departe?

miercuri, 18 iunie 2008

Euro 2008 Penalty Game

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 11

Euro 2008 | Matchday 11: Nedherlands vs. Romania Highlights

2-0 Netherlands vs. Romania Highlights - MyVideo

Euro 2008 | Matchday 11: France vs. Italy Highlights

0-2 France vs. Italy Goals - MyVideo

marți, 17 iunie 2008

Accident Cluj Napoca Strada Frunzisului

Din pacate inca un accident a avut loc in aceasta dupa amiaza pe strada frunzisului din Cluj, in jurul orelor 16:30. Haideti sa facem ceva cu soferii acestia care conduc de parca tot drumul ar fi al lor. Probabil unii dintre noi merg mai lent, iar altii mai repede, insa trebuie fiecare sa stim ca drumul NU e al nostru. Fiecare dintre noi trebuie sa stim ca e OBLIGATRIU sa circulam pe banda 1, banda 2 fiind folosita doar pentru depasiri. Chiar daca mergem cu viteza sau fara, acest lucru e primordial pentru a evita accidentele. Nu trebuie sa comentam aici motivele pentru care unele persoane se grabesc, insa trebuie neaparat sa stopam aceste accidente stupide. Nu am avut ocazia de a primi detalii in legatura cu ce s-a intamplat in casul accidentului nostru, fotografia e facuta cu telefonul mobil, deci calitatea e slaba, lucru pentru care ma scuz anticipat. Insa din cate am putut observa la locul accidentului si dupa cum se observa si urmele de franare foarte lungi, masina accidentata rula cu viteza pe banda 1. Deci...cine credeti ca se face vinovat de producerea accidentului? Eu cred ca bordura care se afla prea aproape de partea carosabila. :)

Formula 1 Canadian Grand Prix 2008 Stupid Crash

Vina ii apartine lui Lewis Hamilton, care nu a observat culoarea rosie a semaforului instalat la iesirea de la boxe

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 10

Euro 2008 | Matchday 6: Austria vs. Germany



VIENNA, Jun 16 (SW) - Germany booked a quarter-final berth against Portugal as they finished runners-up in Group B of Euro 2008 following a 1-0 victory over Austria.

Five minutes in, Germany should have gone in front but Mario Gomez failed to get a touch on a wonderful ball by Miroslav Klose, but in the 19th minute, Austria squandered a chancec of their own as Erwin Hoffer made a bad touch on a good ball from Martin Harnik.

Hoffer had another chance at the start of the second half on an odd-man break, but again the touch is what let him down, and Germany were able to clear the threat.

Those misses would prove costly in the 49th minute when Germany captain Michael Ballack hit a blistering free kick from 28 yards that beat Austria goalkeeper Jürgen Macho to the top right corner, the first goal on a direct free kick in Euro 2008.

Austria made some good forays forward in the last stages of the game, but lacked the quality to beat the German defense, and Die Mannschaft moved on to face Portugal in the quarter-finals, knocking out Austria and Poland
. source

Euro 2008 | Matchday 6: Poland vs. Croatia



source Eurosport

KLAGENFURT (SW) - Poland are out of Euro 2008 following a 0-1 defeat by already-qualified Croatia in their last Group B encounter.

Poland needed a win and also depended on the result at Austria versus Germany, but Leo Beenhakker's men never looked like threatening Croatia at all.

The Croatians were stronger throughout most of the match and secured the victory with a goal from Ivan Klasnic in the 52nd minute. Klasnic received a short pass from Pranjic and struck home for 0-1.

As Germany were leading Austria in the other other match at this point, Poland lost their motivation to give it their all against Croatia.

Poland crash out of the tournament with no more than one point, which was earned against Austria in the second game.

Croatia were already confirmed as group winners and play their quarter final match against Turkey. source

luni, 16 iunie 2008

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 9

Euro 2008 | Matchday 9: Switzerland vs. Portugal Highlights

Goal 1-0

Goal 2-0


source Eurosport

Two goals by Hakan Yakin lifted Switzerland to a 2-0 victory over Portugal as they exited Euro 2008 with three points.

Portugal started with eight changes in their starting squad and still looked pretty good in the first half, with Pepe hitting the crossbar and Hélder Postiga having a goal questionably ruled out for offside.

Nani also created a couple of nice chances for Switzerland, but the match remained scoreless at the break.

It stayed that way until the 72nd minute when Yakin received a flick pass from Eren Derdiyok and slotted past Ricardo in the Portugal goal to give the Swiss a 1-0 lead.

Ten minutes later, Fernando Meira conceded a penalty for a foul on Tranquillo Barnetta, and Yakin slammed one past Ricardo for the 2-0 victory.

Switzerland claimed their first ever victory in a European Championship finals and a win in the final match for Köbi Kuhn as manager. Meanwhile, Portugal move on as group winners with Turkey as runners-up after a thrilling 3-2 comeback victory over the Czech Republic.source

Euro 2008 | Matchday 9: Turkey vs. Czech Republic Highlights

Full Match


source Eurosport

Turkey are through to the quarter finals of Euro 2008 after an incredible clash with the Czech Republic in Group A.

The Czechs were the stronger side in the first half and were rewarded in the 34th minute when Jan Koller headed home from a Grygera cross.

And things seemed practically decided when Jaroslav Plasil scored the second goal just after the hour mark, with Sionko providing the assist.

But the Turks regained confidence when Arda Turan got one back in the 75th minute. Arda received the ball near the edge of the area and struck past Cech for 1-2.

And Turkey saved the best for last, albeit with more than a little help from Petr Cech. The goalkeeper should have controlled a cross from the right without particular trouble, but dropped it and allowed Nihat Kahveci to level the score.

While the Czechs thought that things couldn't get much worse, they could. It was again Nihat to beautifully strike past Cech in the 89th minute and lead Turkey to the quarter finals.

Goalkeeper Volkan pushed a Czech player in stoppage time and left referee Frojdfeldt no choice. The keeper was sent off and as Turkey had no substitutions left, it was Tuncay to spend the last few minutes in goal.

The Turkish defense kept the ball away from their goal though and secured one of the most spectacular victories in Euro history.

Turkey face Group B winners Croatia in the quarter finals.soruce

duminică, 15 iunie 2008

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 8

Euro 2008 | Matchday 8: Greece vs. Russia Highlights

Full Match


source Eurosport
European Champions Greece have been eliminated from the tournament as result of a 1-0 defeat by the Russians in Group D.

After losing their first matches at Euro 2008, both Russia and Greece could use a win in the second match.

But Greece once again seemed helpless while the Russians were stronger than in their match against Spain earlier this week.

And 33 minutes had been played when Semak found Zyryanov in the penalty area while Greek goalkeeper Nikopolidis completely misjudged the ball.

Zyryanov made no mistakes from close range and gave his side a deserved 1-0 lead, which would eventually earn them the three points.

Consequently, Greece are out of the tournament while Russia need a win over Sweden in the final group match on Wednesday to stay alive. Spain are now certain of playing in the quarter finals.source

Euro 2008 | Matchday 8: Sweden vs. Spain Highlights

Full Match


source Eurosport
David Villa notched his fourth goal in as many games in second-half stoppage time to give Spain a dramatic 2-1 victory over Sweden in Euro 2008 Group D on Saturday.

Spain went in front on the quarter-hour mark of the first half as a short corner sequence led to David Silva's pass for Fernando Torres to touch past Sweden goalkeeper Andreas Isaksson.

Sweden came right back and had a couple of opportunities to equalize, but that didn't come until the 34th minute as Zlatan Ibrahimovic latched onto a cross from Fredrik Stoor, took advantage of a stumbling Sergio Ramos and slid the shot past Iker Casillas to make it 1-1.

Just before the end of the first half, a controversial non-call was made when Johan Elmander crashed into Silva in the penalty area, but referee Pieter Vink chose not to award the spot kick.

On 63 minutes, Spain somehow failed to go in front when Silva's shot was parried by Isaksson into the path of Villa, who then crossed back into space, only to see the ball cleared out for a corner kick.

Sweden then nearly scored on a rare second-half attack as a free kick to the left post found Petter Hansson, but the defender's ball across the face of goal was just too strong to find Henrik Larsson.

Then, two minutes into stoppage time, Villa latched onto a long ball from the back and he put a good touch on it to slip it by Isaksson, claiming three points in dramatic style.source

sâmbătă, 14 iunie 2008

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 7

Euro 2008 | Matchday 7: Netherlands vs. France Highlights

Full Match


source Eurosport
The Netherlands booked their place in the quarter-finals of Euro 2008 with a 4-1 victory over France, clinching first place in Group C.

The Dutch went in front on nine minutes when Dirk Kuyt headed home a pinpoint corner kick by Rafael van der Vaart, right in front of Florent Malouda who never looked to located the incoming ball.

France then took over control of the game and always looked the more likely of the sides to score the next goal, but Edwin van der Sar made several good saves to keep the French out of the net and carry the 1-0 lead into halftime.

Following the introduction of both Robin van Persie and Arjen Robben, the two combined to extend the Dutch lead just shy of the hour mark when Robben crossed in for van Persie to shoot on target, hitting it right at Coupet, but the ball trickled over the line.

Twelve minutes later, Thierry Henry brought France back into the game when he touched home a right-wing cross from Franck Ribéry. But 45 seconds later, Robben made it 3-1 as he was played through at the left-hand post by Wesley Sneijder and smashed into the top corner from a tight angle in front of defender Lilian Thuram.

Wesley Sneijder then hit a brilliant goal in injury time to cap off another great performance.

The French are left on one point from two matches along with Italy, both behind Romania in second with two points.source

Euro 2008 | Matchday 7: Italy vs. Romania Highlights

Full Match


source Eurosport

Italy and Romania held each other to a 1-1 draw in their second Euro 2008 Group B clash.

Italy should have taken the lead just before the break when a legitimate goal from Luca Toni was disallowed by referee Ovrebo.

Romania eventually broke the deadlock after 55 minutes, with Mutu taking advantage of bad defense and striking past Buffon.

But only a minute later, it was Cristian Panucci to level the score from close range after a Chiellini corner.

With ten minutes to go, Romania were handed a spot kick as Panucci pulled down Niculae, but Adrian Mutu's attempt was blocked by goalkeeper Buffon.source

vineri, 13 iunie 2008

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 4

Euro 2008 | Matchday 4: Greece vs. Sweden Highlights

Full Match


source Eurosport

European Champions Greece began their Euro 2008 campaign with a 2-0 defeat by Sweden.

In what has to be called one of the least entertaining matches of the tournament, neither team showed the capability or motivation to take the initiative.

Sweden, who did seem slightly more inspired than their Greek opponents, finally broke the deadlock in the 67th minute. A great diagonal shot from Zlatan Ibrahimovic left goalkeeper Nikopolidis without a chance.

And only five minutes later, the Scandinavians added a second. Freddie Ljungberg had a perfect opportunity to score but had his effort blocked. However, defender Petter Hansson stood in the right spot to take advantage in the following chaos.

It's not all good news for Sweden though, as Wilhelmsson suffered a serious leg injury and the question is whether he will make his return for a later match in this tournament.source

Euro 2008 | Matchday 4: Spain vs Russia Highlights

First Half

Second Half


source Eurosport

A hat-trick from David Villa and typical Spanish technique lifted Luis Aragonés' men to a comprehensive 4-1 victory over Russia in their Group D opener at Euro 2008 on Tuesday.

Spain took the lead in the 20th minute as Fernando Torres took down a long ball and got a lucky bounce to put it by a defender before laying back for the trailing Villa to slot home past Igor Akinfeev.

Twenty minutes later, Villa doubled his account and the Spain lead as Andrés Iniesta on a counter played a beautiful ball into the area for Villa, and the Valencia striker again made no mistake in timing his run to stay onside and slotting home for 2-0.

Russia started the second half a bit stronger, but lacked the last touch and the crisp play that the Spaniards had for 90 minutes, and the match was put out of reach on 75 minutes as Villa completed the treble after yet another pinpoint pass to put him through, this time by Cesc Fabregas.

Russia were able to get one back four minutes from time when Konstantin Zyrianov's corner kick was deflected onto the head of striker Roman Pavlyuchenko, who powered a header past a helpless Iker Casillas to add some respectability to the scoreline, but Fabregas added a header in stoppage time to complete the scoring. source

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 3

Euro 2008 | Matchday 3: Netherlands vs. Italy Highlights



source Eurosport

Two swift counterattacks and a controversial goal led the Netherlands to a comprehensive 3-0 victory over Italy in their Group C opener at Euro 2008.

Ruud van Nistelrooy had the best of the early chances for either side in the 18th minute when he was put in on goal against a charging Gianluigi Buffon, but the striker stumbled trying to go around him and the chance went begging.

It wouldn't remain scoreless for long though as van Nistelrooy scored in the 26th minute. Buffon punched away a corner kick as far as Joris Mathijsen who played the ball back to Giovanni van Bronckhorst. The defender then fired in a shot that was directed in by van Nistelrooy, who appeared to be offside by a wide margin, but the flag stayed down.

Replays showed Christian Panucci lying beyond the end line, but the rules indicate that he was still an active player and, thus, van Nistelrooy was not offside and the goal stood.

Five minutes later, the Dutch extended the margin with a great counterattack. Van Bronckhorst cleared a corner kick off of the line before racing down the left flank. He crossed to the right onto the head of Dirk Kuyt before Wesley Sneijder volleyed brilliantly past Buffon for a 2-0 lead.

Missed chances by the Dutch in the first half kept it at 2-0 until the break, before the Italians came out strong in the second period. Substitute Alessandro Del Piero had two great chances and Andrea Pirlo saw a brilliant free kick saved well by Edwin van der Sar.

On the ensuing counterattack, Kuyt crossed into the area after Buffon saved his first effort, and the ball found the head of van Bronckhorst who put in off a deflection for the third.source

Euro 2008 | Matchday 3: France vs. Romania Highlights

First Half

Second Half


source Eurosport

Romania and France failed to score in their Euro 2008 Group C opener. France were the stronger side but had difficulties creating chances.

Throughout most of the match, the French dominated at the Letzigrund stadium of Zürich.

But Domenech's men were kept away from keeper Lobont's goal by his defense, who turned out to be hard to get past.

Every now and then, Romania managed to put some pressure on 'Les Bleus' but real, clear chances never really appeared.

Romania will be the happier side after this draw, which was the first goalless result at the 2008 European Championships. source

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 2

Euro 2008 | Matchday 2: Germany vs Poland Highlights

First Half

Second Half


source Eurosport

Germany have won their first Euro 2008 Group B match against Poland. Lukas Podolski scored twice to help his team to a 2-0 victory.

Miroslav Klose found his Bayern Munich teammate Podolski in the penalty area after 20 minutes and the latter only needed to put the ball into the empty net as Boruc had already been played out.

Poland gained some strength in the second half but never managed to put one past Germany goalkeeper Jens Lehmann.

The match was decided in the 72nd minute when bad defense first gave Klose the opportunity to shoot, after which Podolski scored from the rebound.

Thanks to these two goals, Podolski moves into first place in the top scorers classification. source:

Euro 2008 | Matchday 2: Austria vs Croatia Highlights

First Half

Second Half


source Eurosport

Croatia have won their first match at Euro 2008 against tournament co-hosts Austria, thanks to an penalty kick. Referee Pieter Vink awarded the penalty after just three minutes as Aufhauser fouled Olic, and Modric made no mistakes from eleven meters.

Croatia initially pushed to score another goal but left more and more of the initiative to Austria.

In the second half, Austria were arguably even the better side and began creating real chances, but Croatia goalkeeper Pletikosa made sure to defend the slender lead.

Although Austria probably deserved an equaliser, Croatia got away with the three points and begin their Euro campaign in a positive manner. source

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 5

Euro 2008 | Matchday 5: Switzerland vs. Turkey Highlights

First Half

Second Half


source Eurosport

A dramatic late winner by Arda Turan lifted Turkey to a 2-1 victory over co-hosts Switzerland in Basel, eliminating the Swiss from Euro 2008 on Tuesday night. The win for Turkey also booked Portugal's passage into the quarter-finals.

The storyline in the first half was the driving rain pouring down in St. Jakob Park causing footing and passing to go by the wayside, but the Swiss seemed to thrive in it with Tranquillo Barnetta firing in a shot that had to be parried away by Turkish goalkeeper Volkan Demirel.

In the 32nd minute, the Swiss finally opened their goalscoring account in the tournament as a looping ball found 19-year-old Eren Derdiyok onside and he laid it back into the six-yard box for a charging Hakan Yakin to slot home.

Switzerland had a couple of chances to add to the lead, but Turkey found themselves level in the 57th minute when Nihat's cross from the left finds the head of substitute Semih Sentürk to beat Diego Benaglio.

Nihat almost had the go-ahead for Turkey when he slid for a pass from Tuncay, but it was just out of reach. Switzerland also came close to taking the lead in the 84th minute when a counterattack led to an open shot by Yakin, but Volkan Demirel saved well from that shot and the rebound.

But three minutes into added time, Turan ran down the left flank on a counterattack, turned inside two defenders and fired a shot that deflected off a Swiss player and into the net for the winner.source

Euro 2008 | Matchday 5: Czech Republic Vs Portugal Highlights

Full Match


source Eurosport
Portugal have a very good chance of advancing to the next round after a 3-1 win over the Czech Republic on Wednesday.

Playmaker Deco scored the opening goal for Scolari's team after just eight minutes, but a header from Libor Sionko levelled the score nine minutes later.

From here on, the two teams were practically equal but it was Portugal to be the happier side at full time as Cristiano Ronaldo struck home from outside the penalty area in the 63rd minute and allowed substitute Quaresma to net his side's third in stoppage time.

If Switzerland and Turkey draw their match later on Wednesday, Portugal are already certain of a spot in the next round.

The Czechs meanwhile, have to achieve a good result against Turkey on Sunday to earn their quarter final berth.source

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 1

Euro 2008 | Matchday 1: Portugal Vs Turkey Highlights

First Half

Second Half


source Eurosport

Day 1 of Euro 2008 continues with the Group A clash between Portugal and Turkey. ortugal claim three points in their opening match, and the result is somewhat fair in the sense that the woodwork prevented them from three other goals during the 90 minutes. Turkey will need to regroup and find some better attacking options in their next two games. Fortunately, there is still plenty of time for Turkey to make a move in Group A.

Euro 2008 | Matchday 1: Switzerland Vs Czech Republic Highlights


source Eurosport

Euro 2008 kicks off with the Group A clash between Switzerland and the 2004 semi-finalists the Czech Republic. Having dominated for long periods, the Swiss were floored by Vaclav Sverkos's superbly taken but scarcely deserved late winner for the Czechs on Saturday evening.

The disappointing end to an evening that promised so much more was compounded for the co-hosts by the loss of captain and leading goalscorer Alexander Frei to an injury that ended his involvement in the tournament.

The Czech Republic claim their first three points of the tournament as Switzerland's chances of reaching the quarter finals have been reduced significantly with Portugal and Turkey still ahead. The Swiss were the stronger side today, but failed to take advantage.Switzerland have been left with a mountain to climb at Euro 2008 but head coach Jakob Kuhn insists his side can recover from a heartbreaking defeat to the Czech Republic in the tournament's opening match. source []

UEFA Euro 2008 | Day 6

Euro 2008 | Matchday 6: Austria vs. Poland Highlights

First Half

Second Half


source Eurosport
A late penalty goal by Ivica Vastic helped Austria to a 1-1 draw in Euro 2008 Group B with Poland after they had earlier missed a host of chances.

Austrian striker Martin Harnik got in behind a porous Poland defense and had a clear run at goal, but he was distracted by a charging Artur Boruc in the Polish goal, and he dragged the shot wide.

In the 14th minute, Harnik again wasted a chance when a cross found him in point-blank range of the goal, but he fired the shot right at Boruc. Two minutes later, Boruc again came to the rescue when he thwarted a break by Roland Linz on a swift counterattack.

Those mistakes came to haunt Austria on the half-hour when Roger Guerreiro tapped home from close range after Marek Saganowski's ball was deflected into his path by the fingertips of Austria goalkeeper Jürgen Macho.

Austria looked like they had no answers against an improved Poland side in the second half, but they had a never-say-die attitude and won a penalty in the third minute of stoppage time when Mariusz Lewandowski tugged down Sebastian Prödl in the area, and Vastic made no mistake from the penalty spot.

The result clinched first place in Group B for Croatia, as well.source

Euro 2008 | Matchday 6: Croatia vs. Germany Highlights

First Half

Second Half


source Eurosport
Croatia have won their second match at Euro 2008, against tournament favorites Germany. Bilic' men achieved an impressive 2-1 result.

Dario Srna opened the score from close range in the 24th minute, and the Germans lacked the inspiration to do something back in the remainder of the first half.

And just after the hour mark, Lehmann deflected a cross onto the post and the ball ended up in front of Ivica Olic who easily doubled Croatia's lead.

Lukas Podolski struck home in the 79th minute to bring back some hope but the Croatians remained calm and avoided further chances.

Substitute Bastian Schweinsteiger became the first player to be red-carded at this tournament after pushing Leko in stoppage time.source